E3 had helped the district pursue grant dollars on a number of occasions before finally securing dollars for Phase I funding to make improvements to the middle school. Building off the success of Phase I, when the need arose for a renovation project at Chisholm Trail Elementary, E3 was selected for Phase II. An initial evaluation revealed several needs and significant savings opportunities, most notably:
After issuing an RFQ and selecting E3, district personnel worked with E3 to fund the collective remaining $1.8 million energy-efficiency and conservation project in Phase II. Phase I was funded with a SECO grant and the district’s fund balance. Phase II was funded with the district’s fund balance solely. The scope of work included the following:
Despite numerous weather days over the course of the summer, the HVAC and roof replacement were completed before the start of the school year. Although it was a non-guarantee project, E3 identified additional training opportunities for district staff that have resulted in lower energy usage and a better learning and working environment for students and staff.
HVAC, Controls, Roofing, LED Retrofit