Entegral Solutions completed a district-wide energy efficiency and conservation program at Ricardo Independent School District. The District utilized both ARRA SECO Cool Schools Grant funds and District General Fund to pay for the $969,814 project. The project is projected to save the school district approximately $69,000 annually and $1,000,000 during the next 15 years.
The comprehensive project includes:
- District-wide energy management control system, lighting and 44 new HVAC units
- Elementary School: installed 14 new, Bard wall mount units and one York rooftop unit
- Middle School: installed 18 new, Bard wall mount units
- Technology School: installed two Bard wall mount units
- The Cafeteria, Band Hall, Library, Gymnasium and Administration received 9 York roof top units
District-wide lighting upgrade included:
- T12 to T8 lamp replacement with electronic ballasts
- Re-lamping existing with T8 25W lamps and electronic ballasts
- High bay lighting retrofits to T8 lamps and electronic ballasts
- De-lamping existing fixtures – where appropriate
- Occupancy sensors – where appropriate
- Installation of LED Exit signs
- Incandescent lights were retrofitted with Compact Fluorescent bulbs
District-wide controls upgrade included:
- 63 wireless Proliphix Network Thermostats
- 5 Remote sensors for temperature averaging