The E3/TASB team was unanimously approved by the Kountze ISD Board of Trustees to implement a district-wide energy efficiency and facility improvement program at Kountze ISD, located just north of Beaumont. This comprehensive project, consisting of new HVAC systems, new LED lighting systems, installation of new energy management systems, and retro-commissioning, was funded by a Qualified Zone Academy Bond (QZAB) through the Texas Education Agency and repaid with savings derived from the project.
The project helped the school district avoid costs of approximately $83,000 annually and included a one-time utility rebate of over $40,000. The project was completed in seven months. The low-interest QZAB loan, mixed with the corresponding M&O reductions, helped Kountze ISD upgrade their facilities even in the face of tightening budgets.
The comprehensive project included:
- Major HVAC retrofit and replacements at Kountze High School and Kountze Intermediate
- Energy management control system installation at Kountze High School
- District-wide LED lighting upgrade
- Retro-Commissioning of the Middle School and Lion’s Den
- Electrical upgrade at Kountze High School